Articles, EHR, Healthcare December 19, 2022
How the Efficient Use of Epic EHR Helps Alleviate Physician Burnout
Reduce Clinician Burnout with Epic EHR: Streamline Your Workflows and Enhance Patient Care
Doctors today are burdened by so many administrative tasks. From prescription notes and billing to patient records and order forms, these tasks can sometimes take away from the quality of care doctors want to provide to their patients. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) can help lighten this burden, but even then can cause more problems.
As Catherine Hambley, PhD, puts it: “I am hearing more physicians become completely demoralized by what [the EHR] has done to their ability to really provide the kind of personalized and quality patient care [they wish to give patients].” So then it’s not much of a mystery as to why the top 20 hospitals according to US News all use Epic for their EHR. Epic helps streamline all facets of medical administration, workflow, and patient communication.
Epic’s software offers countless innovations and solutions to common hospital tasks:
- Pre-built custom forms and orders
- Dedicated Modules for most specialties
- Automated billing, revenue cycle tracking, and analytics
- Easily access and share records with other EHRs or other hospitals with Epic software
- Mobile/App connectivity and support
- Telehealth support and integration
The demanding world of medicine today requires new solutions to traditional problems. Epic helps provide accurate information quickly when needed at critical times and can help patients access their own records. With the amount of data that goes along with each individual patient, it becomes too big a task for any human to keep up with consistently.
ReMedi Helps Hospitals Understand the Benefits of EHRs to both Patients and Physicians
ReMedi Health Solutions works with numerous healthcare institutions in EHR implementation, including Epic software. ReMedi is a physician-owned and driven National Healthcare IT Consulting Firm, and that means it understands the value Epic and other EHRs offer physicians and patients alike. Epic provides personalized and accurate healthcare records which greatly reduce errors made, speed up many processes, and provide immediate results to doctors and patients.
Epic’s user interface helps doctors keep track of all the details according to relevance, and allows for custom forms/orders to be made and then automated easily. Patients can utilize their own Patient Portal with MyChart, allowing them to access their own records and share them with other physicians even outside of Epic. Patients can also even receive price quotes for procedures while discussing them with their physician. Easy access to data and information improves the overall patient experience. Ease-of-use on the physician side also means it’s even easier to provide patients with more personal and quality care.
Epic Software Allows Healthcare Providers to Build Relationships with Patients
ReMedi Health Solutions and Epic software go beyond just the immediate transactional benefits of patient visits, medical billing, and electronic records. Epic provides a system of communication between patient and physician which helps build a relationship. Epic enables hospitals and healthcare institutions to create customized channels for questions, test/procedure results, and even video visits.
“Ask-a-Doc” is an Epic workflow interface that allows a hospitalist to ask a specialist simple questions without the need to schedule a separate consultation. This drastically cuts down the time before patients get the answers they need, and even allows specialists to request specific testing ahead of consultations.
MyChart Bedside is a patient-focused user interface on a tablet provided to patients that allows them to interact with their own records and charts. They can ‘post’ questions to their doctor as well as update their current condition so doctors can better assess patients’ needs. These services and more help establish a relationship between the healthcare providers and patients. The consistency and reliability of these services and communication channels build loyalty and comfort for patients and practitioners. It means less unnecessary testing and visits for the patient, and less time waiting for the healthcare system and processes to ‘catch up’ for the physician.
ReMedi Offers Solutions and Innovations to Make EHR Implementation Painless
EHR implementation can be difficult, but ReMedi Healthcare Solutions helps make the transition easy and seamless. For many healthcare institutions that still use traditional record systems, updating to an EHR like Epic can seem like a daunting challenge. It requires tremendous planning, coordinating, and communication to ensure everything happens without affecting workflow. Even after a successful implementation, it takes time and training to get everyone trained to effectively use the new system. ReMedi offers support in bridging the gap between technology and clinical knowledge.
ReMedi’s System Selection Advisory Services first help institutions identify which EHR will work best for them. ReMedi’s physician-minded approach to implementation means they focus on the entire process from timing the live release all the way to post-launch training and support. ReMedi EHR training is very comprehensive, using group and one-on-one sessions to ensure all end users fully understand how to use Epic to their full potential for their specific institution. Many super users will see the benefits of Epic immediately thanks to ReMedi focused training, and they will be the ones who help lead the ‘charge of change’ among other end users.
ReMedi and Epic Together Provide Countless Innovations and Solutions to Healthcare
- Automated medical billing, forms, and processes
- Simpler and quicker user interfaces
- Improved patient experience
- Customization to fit any clinical need
- Predictive analytics and embedded decision support tools
ReMedi helps healthcare institutions successfully and stress-free implement Epic into their systems, and then provides continuing support in fully utilizing and understanding all that Epic can offer. ReMedi Healthcare Solutions understands physicians’ needs because they are physicians.