for Better Healthcare.

Chime Foundation
CHIME is the professional group for healthcare IT leaders, including CIOs. It fosters collaboration, idea exchange, and professional development, while advocating for the use of information management to enhance healthcare within communities.

Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, Inc. (HIMSS) is a non-profit organization that advises global leaders on healthcare innovation, public policy, workforce development, research, and analytics. Their mission is to transform the health ecosystem through information and technology.

National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC)
The National Minority Supplier Development Council advances business opportunities for certified minority business enterprises and connects them to corporate members. Chartered in 1972, NMSDC has established a network of corporate members, now numbering 1,595.

Texas Rural Health
The Texas Rural Health Association (TRHA) was founded in 1984 by a group of representatives from West Texas entities, including county governments, public health departments, and educational/healthcare institutions.

Texas Organization of
Rural & Community
TORCH is a group of rural and community hospitals, corporations, and individuals collaborating to address the unique needs and challenges facing these hospitals, their staff, and patients.