Chart Abstraction

EHR Data Migration consists of three important elements. A Data archive is all the historical data that is easily accessible from your new EHR. Electronic Data Conversion involves getting discrete data like labs, radiology, procedures, vitals, problems, allergies, medications and immunizations into your new EHR. During the data conversion process, items like problems and medications need to be validated before being committed to the new EHR. Items like past histories often need to be manually abstracted and are beneficial to be ready in the patients’ chart. ReMedi specializes in this often-overlooked process called Chart Abstraction or Chart Prep.

ReMedi’s success with chart abstraction relies heavily on our clinically experienced team. We utilize a talented group of MDs, RNs, and Abstractors with in-depth clinical knowledge that enables the procurement of the optimal information needed by clinicians at the point of care. During this process, our team parses out incorrect or duplicative data and addresses the inaccuracies as needed.

Schedule a call with our Clinical Data team

At ReMedi, we believe healthcare data is the responsibility of clinical IT experts. We created an approach to health data that improves the quality of data for our healthcare partners as well as clinician satisfaction. We encourage healthcare system leaders to schedule time with our team to view a demonstration of our clinical approach to patient chart abstraction.

Get in touch with our team if you’re interested in:

  • Improving patient data & safety
  • Reducing clinician burden
  • Improving data collection and charting processes
  • Increasing patient volumes
  • Reducing staffing costs for abstraction time

    Let’s Start a Conversation

    Return on Investment from Leveraging
    an External Data Team.

    Potential revenue increase through one additional patient visit per provider per day

    Key Considerations

    • Reconciling PAMIs in a patients’ chart takes about 10 minutes per patient. A typical provider sees about 20 patients per day. This is about 200 minutes required to prep the charts.
    • Clinicians experience increased burden of abstraction in addition to stresses of learning a new EHR.
    • Cost-effective as ReMedis’ abstractors per hour rate is lower than overtime costs of leveraging own providers or clinicians.
    • Increase EHR adoption, reduce burnout and improve patient experience by providing chart preparation assistance.

    Real-time Analytics
    Chart Abstraction Dashboard

    Leadership has a birds-eye view of chart preparation activities across all practice areas

    • Comprehensive insights on clinical data and abstraction time is analyzed for resource planning.
    • Our clinical staff utilizes the data to ensure accurate charts are prepared ahead of the scheduled patient visits.

    Improve Clinician Adoption and Patient Outcomes with the Power of Accurate Data.

    Clinical Approach

    Our entire chart abstraction process is led and managed by MDs and RNs, and the chart abstractors have clinical experience. This deep understand of healthcare gives our team the agility to work quickly and accurately, ensuring each chart is prepared ahead of the schedule.

    Concierge Model

    Providers are relieved to know that they are paired with a clinically trained abstractor to prepare their patient data on their behalf, with their style and preferences in mind. This collaboration leads to better quality data, happier clinicians, and better patient outcomes.

    Immediate ROI

    Clinicians are already burdened by a new technology, and yet are responsible to abstract patient data on top of learning the new system. Leveraging an external clinical data team, health systems avoid clinician burnout and increase the adoption of the EHR.

    Our Concierge Model

    • ReMedi chart abstractors are teamed up with your clinicians to better understand what clinical data they need abstracted.
    • ReMedi MDs and RNs provide oversight on the entire chart abstraction process.
    • The concierge model enables efficient and accurate data committed to chart based on your clinician’s preference and needs.
    • Our clinical data team ensures quality assurance by validating patient data with legacy EHR data.

    Save clinicians 10-20 minutes per chart while maintaining patient volumes.

    Our Approach to Chart Abstraction

    After multiple data sources are made available for reconciling the patient chart via CCD file, we ensure unnecessary, duplicate, and inactive data are not committed to new EHR chart. Our clinical abstraction team only inputs valuable data needed during delivery of care so that it is available at each patient visit.

    Patient Records

    Charting on blank patient records increases time and effort for clinicians and negatively impacts the patient flow at the point of care.

    Entering key clinical data elements needed upfront reduces the burden of every patient feeling like a new patient visit.

    Migrate Data

    PAMI: (problem lists, allergies, medications, immunizations), histories, health maintenance, radiology, labs, etc.

    Note: Often PAMIs have multiple sources, i.e. Care Everywhere, HIE, Immunization Registries and Surescripts.

    Quality Assurance

    Cross referencing with legacy systems, our clinical staff transfers data, validates accuracy, and ensures timeliness.

    Our abstractors team up with your clinicians to gather feedback and maintain an ongoing efficient and accurate data migration.


    ReMedi EHR Implementation

    Enable End-Users and Get the Most Out of Your IT Investment

    The ultimate success of a new National Healthcare IT Consulting Firms platform is a direct result of how comfortable the end-users are with the system. We find that most traditional training methods don’t engage providers in a meaningful way. They fail to help them understand how the technology can make an impact on their specific clinical practice.

    The ReMedi Health Solutions team thinks beyond basic functionality and designs personalized training for providers so that organizations can rest assured that the IT investment was well spent. By developing proactive EHR Training Programs, clinicians begin to feel that the technology is more personalized. As a result, health systems avoid negative performance that often occurs with large-scale IT deployments and maintain operational stability.

    Leverage our decades of
    EHR experience

    Our expertise lies in the EHR Implementation and EHR Training of the top EHR Vendors. We also specialize in EHR System Selection Advisory, EHR Optimization, EHR Integration and Testing, EHR Go-Live Support, and revenue enhancement, among other service lines.

    We’ve achieved a track record of excellence working with the nation’s top healthcare providers on implementation support, including:

    • System Selection Advisory
    • Clinical Leadership
    • Operational Readiness
    • Training
    • User Settings Labs (Personalization)

    • At-the-Elbow Support

    • Virtual & Hybrid Go-Live Support

    • Chart Abstraction

      Let’s Start a Conversation

      Go-Live with ReMedi

      ReMedi Health Solutions utilizes decades of IT staffing knowledge and partnerships to provide the most capable team members to accomplish a successful Go-Live initiative. ​We strictly select the most reliable talent across all levels of EHR to achieve Go-Live Support Success. ​ReMedi works directly with your organization to asses the skillsets of our consultants, and provide the best activation support possible. ​

      The ReMedi Health Solutions network consists of an active group of qualified and proven consultants screened through a technical recruiter. ReMedi’s core team of professionals all have the following traits and qualities:

      • Excellent communication skills
      • Utmost professionalism
      • Operational knowledge of clinical workflow
      • Experience with patient care
      • Ability to solve complex problems
      • Ability to identify and report technical and training issues
      • Experience working in a collective group
      • Experience with seamless EHR integration
      • Strong references from previous projects ​

      All ReMedi Health Solutions consultants are either certified or credentialed and have a high level of proficiency with the software and workflows.

      Key activities include: validation of engagement framework, chart development​, reviewing project plan​s, and reviewing resource plans​.

      Key activities include: finalization of resource plans​, development of resource requirements, and detention of KPIs and tracking processes.

      Key activities include: on-boarding, creating an orientation agenda and logistics, configuration of scheduling, and communication protocols.

      System Selection Advisory

      System Selection Advisory

      ReMedi’s System Selection Advisory Services help an organization grasp the benefits of each system. ReMedi takes a clinical approach to address every potential question associate to a new EHR and ensures the organization confidently chooses the optimal technology. Our clinical knowledge is a critical component in leveraging the best possible system and building trust for the entire process.

      Making the correct System Selection Advisory is the first step to ensuring your organization’s success. We apply our skill sets along with decades of knowledge and understanding into each system recommendation. ReMedi works hand in hand with your organization to make the correct decision. Our clinical experience separates us from our competition, which allows us confidence in every step of the process.

      ReMedi strives itself on achieving your organization’s satisfaction. Our team has years of experience working with an organization with detailed project plans that alleviate the pressures of the implementation process. Our methodology has proven itself time and time again to meet an organization’s goals.

      Physicians Leading Clinical Change Management

      ReMedi’s clinical health IT team provides health systems a detailed assessment, considerations, and recommendations based on the current state analysis, interviews, and observations. This enables ReMedi to guide you towards selecting the right clinical system for your organization.

      If you need help ensuring you’re selecting the right EHR for your health system, fill out the form and we will get in touch with you immediately.

        Let’s Start a Conversation

        Physician Advisory Services

        Custom Health IT Solutions for Performance Optimization

        The ultimate success of a new healthcare IT platform is a direct result of how comfortable the endusers are with the system. ReMedi Health Solutions’ team of Physician Executives and EHR Consultants find that many traditional methodologies don’t engage providers in a meaningful way, and fail to help them understand how the technology can make an impact on their specific clinical practice.

        We think beyond basic functionality and designs for providers so that organizations can rest assured that their IT investment was well spent. By developing strong training programs based on current state versus future state workflows that enable clinicians to feel the technology is personalized for them, healthcare systems avoid the negative performance that often occurs during large-scale IT deployments and instead attain stability.

        Schedule a Strategic
        Meeting with our Healthcare Team

        Schedule a call with our team today to learn more about our physician advisory services:

        • ReMedi has experienced CMIOs, CNIO, and implementation leaders that can assist an organization towards a successful implementation.
        • Our expertise guides stakeholders in making best practice decisions for the design, build, testing, and training of the EHR.
        • Ensuring key clinical stakeholders are involved in the decision-making process and empowered with a solid technical understanding.
        • Senior leadership involvement and support ensuring implementations stay on track.
        • Helping organizations design a solid communication plan to keep the organization aware and engaged throughout changes and updates.

          Let’s Start a Conversation

          Physician Engagement

          Pre-implementation techniques cater to leadership programs for each department, specialty, & provider. We focus on education, strategy, and support resulting in positive outcomes for health systems.

          EHR System Optimization

          Our deep clinical experience provides for an empathetic and highly effective EHR optimization process. We collaborate directly with clients using our physician-led approach.

          Best Practices & Data Quality

          Cleaning patient records, removing redundant data, training staff, & workflow documentation are core to our data migration strategy. We ensure clinical resources do not waste time on data entry.

          A System-Wide Approach

          • Increasing physician engagement through enhanced workflows and training to optimize their tools and systems
          • Making informed decisions on current state processes in order to improve future state processes
          • Improving intra and inter-departmental workflows provider performance using a Physician Efficiency Profile
          • Physician Buy-In + Physician Adoption = Physician Satisfaction

          Our Approach to EHR Implementation
          The ReMedi Physician Experience

          Advisory Services

          Governance, CMIOs/ Physician Executives, Clinical Aspect of Revenue Cycle, Change/Transformational Management, Physician Adoption.

          Data Migration

          EHR is leading cause of Physician burnout, and data migration prevents extra time spent on administrative tasks. Our process speeds up clinical workflows instead of slowing them down.

          Peer-to-Peer Support

          Effective support during Go-Live increases provider usability and acceptance across the organization.

          Specialty-specific Workflow Training

          Providers are engaged in specialized one-on-one training with ReMedi physicians.

          Strategic Project Resourcing

          Strategic Healthcare IT &
          EHR/EMR Staffing Services

          Having skilled staff and key personnel is crucial for successful adoption of health IT and EHR systems, as well as clinician satisfaction. A knowledgeable team is needed for activities such as super-user programs, curriculum development, project management, build analysis, data migration, and optimization. These personnel can also fill strategic roles, including executive, director level, and interim positions while internal recruiting teams search for permanent candidates.

          At ReMedi, we leverage a clinical approach to healthcare recruiting. We utilize a talented group of former clinicians and EHR analysts with in-depth clinical knowledge that enables the procurement of the optimal candidates for specific EHR related roles within health systems of all sizes.

          Meet Our Healthcare Recruiting Leads

          ReMedi’s resourcing team is a talented group of former clinicians and EHR analysts with in-depth clinical knowledge for specific
          EHR related roles. Our clinical approach retains top talent, reduces burnout and turnover, leading to improved care.

          Andrew Su

          Director of Strategic

          Marilee Kwon

          Director of Human

          Schedule a Strategic
          Meeting with our Healthcare
          IT Recruitment Team

          Schedule a call with our team today to learn more about our strategic resourcing services:

          • Key processes and requirements when screening EHR candidates
          • Identifying candidates that can alleviate Change Management issues and support healthcare executive agendas
          • How to reduce clinician burden with EHR consultants
          • EHR optimization efforts
          • Reporting & Analytics

            Let’s Start a Conversation

            Our Expertise Aligns Your
            Workforce Goals.

            Skilled & Experienced

            ReMedi boasts a skilled EHR talent pool with vetted and certified consultants ready to make an immediate impact at partner health systems. We guarantee quality and promptly address any issues with our consultants.

            Deep Clinical Expertise

            Our MDs, RNs, and EHR analysts with clinical workflow expertise lead and manage our recruitment process. This enables us to efficiently and reliably identify the top candidates, ensuring that each position is filled by a qualified healthcare professional.

            Trusted by Leading Health

            ReMedi places skilled candidates in diverse EHR positions for top health systems nationwide. Our strong and enduring client relationships result in successful outcomes at the staff level.

            A Clinical Approach to Healthcare Staffing

            in our clinical approach, we carefully evaluate candidates to ensure that they have the necessary qualifications and experience to be successful in the role.

            Our healthcare recruiting team ensures that candidates will fit in with the culture and values of the organization.

            A clinical approach involves evaluating a candidate’s potential to grow and develop within the organization.

            After the initial screening, the next step is to conduct in-person or video interviews with the top candidates.

            Before making a final hiring decision, we check references for the top candidates to get a sense of their work history and performance.

            Schedule a Call with Our Strategic
            Healthcare Staffing Team

            Impacts of Our Clinical Staffing Approach

            Strategic staffing is the process of aligning an organization’s staffing needs with its overall goals and objectives. In the healthcare industry, strategic staffing is especially important because of the critical role that staff play in providing high-quality care to patients.

            Patient Safety &

            Proper staffing levels are essential for ensuring patient safety. Having the right number and mix of clinical and administrative employees can help to reduce the risk of errors and accidents, and can improve the overall quality of care.

            Workforce Productivity

            Strategic healthcare resourcing can help to ensure that the workforce is used efficiently and effectively, leading to higher levels of productivity. This can help to reduce costs and improve the overall efficiency of the organization.

            Talent Retention

            Strategic project resourcing can help to attract and retain top talent by offering highly specialized and strategic opportunities to experienced and skilled candidates. This helps reduce turnover and improves the overall stability of the workforce and long-term project success.

            Data Migration

            EHR Data Migration Services

            Data migration for EHR is an integral part of a successful EHR Go-Live. At ReMedi, we advise health systems throughout the EHR lifecycle on all aspects of data migration. ReMedi’s clinical team specializes in Chart Abstraction & Preparation services, learn more here.

            EHR Data Migration can be very complicated, depending on how the data transfers and where it’s stored. It’s common knowledge that, based on government mandates, the Continuity of Care Document (CCD) specification is a healthcare standard that EHRs will use to exchange data. ReMedi Health Solutions has an in-depth knowledge of best practices that can help ensure that this process is seamless for your organization. ReMedi Health Solutions has worked with multiple different interfaces and has developed the best approach to tackle any system.

            Crossing the Finish Line

            For a EHR Data Migration & Chart Abstraction to be successful, the individual must be as talented as the technology itself. EHR builders must interpret the data correctly. Any data misinterpreted can be detrimental to patient safety. Due to this process, migrating the data must be addressed with the utmost safety and security. The new system must have up to date and clean data for optimal functionality.

            ReMedi’s success with EHR Data Migration & Abstraction relies heavily on our experienced team. We utilize a talented group with in-depth clinical knowledge that allows the procurement of the optimal information. Throughout the process, our team parses out incorrect data and address the inaccuracies as needed.

            Once the EHR Data Migration period ends, ReMedi implements a proven testing process to ensure the accuracy of all the data. A common misconception is that once the data is in the new system, the work ends. However, several additional workflows and scenarios must be implemented to ensure all the information is correct.

            The ReMedi Health Solutions team trains all necessary staff to master the new system and understand information from the EHR Data Migration Solution process.

            Crossing the Finish Line

            For a EHR Data Migration & Chart Abstraction to be successful, the individual must be as talented as the technology itself. EHR builders must interpret the data correctly. Any data misinterpreted can be detrimental to patient safety. Due to this process, migrating the data must be addressed with the utmost safety and security. The new system must have up to date and clean data for optimal functionality.

            ReMedi’s success with EHR Data Migration & Abstraction relies heavily on our experienced team. We utilize a talented group with in-depth clinical knowledge that allows the procurement of the optimal information. Throughout the process, our team parses out incorrect data and address the inaccuracies as needed.

            Once the EHR Data Migration period ends, ReMedi implements a proven testing process to ensure the accuracy of all the data. A common misconception is that once the data is in the new system, the work ends. However, several additional workflows and scenarios must be implemented to ensure all the information is correct.

            The ReMedi Health Solutions team trains all necessary staff to master the new system and understand information from the EHR Data Migration Solution process.

            Schedule a Strategic
            Meeting with our Clinical
            Data Team

            At ReMedi, we believe healthcare data is the responsibility of clinical IT experts. We created an approach to health data that improves the quality of data for our healthcare partners as well as clinician satisfaction. We encourage healthcare system leaders to schedule time with our team to view a demonstration of our clinical approach to data migration.

            Get in touch with our team if you’re interested in:

            • Developing an effective data migration strategy
            • Improving patient data & safety
            • Reducing clinician burden
            • Improving data collection and charting processes
            • Increasing patient volumes
            • Reducing staffing costs

              Let’s Start a Conversation

              Nimble and Experienced

              In most cases, we already know what to expect with a new EHR Data Migration Solution Process. Working with multiple different interfaces and platforms has given ReMedi Health Solutions, a great understanding of what works and what does not work.

              ReMedi Health Solutions factors in everything from time to budget when addressing EHR Data Migration Solutions. We work hand in hand with your organization to meet all requirements necessary for successful EHR Data Migration.

              To learn more about ReMedi, we invite you to Get in Touch with us today.

              The Foundation of EHR Data Migration

              Master Patient Index (MPI) Conversion

              The MPI is completed well in advance before sending clinical data to a new EHR system. Clean up is generally required to eliminate duplicate patient records. Additionally, patient encounters & visit summaries are typically converted with the MPI.

              The Foundation of EHR Data Migration

              Master Patient Index (MPI) Conversion

              The MPI is completed well in advance before sending clinical data to a new EHR system. Clean up is generally required to eliminate duplicate patient records. Additionally, patient encounters & visit summaries are typically converted with the MPI.

              Data Migration Options for Health Systems

              All or Nothing Methodology

              • CCD File Transfer
              • All CCD Files, eliminates cleanup with possible risk of transferring bad data
              • No CDD Files, Starting from scratch

              Manually Transfer Data from Legacy to New System

              • Removing unnecessary, duplicate, & inactive date
              • Simplifying data
              • Avoid clinician data entry
              • Clean, accurate data for providers

              Save clinicians 10-20 minutes per chart while maintaining patient volumes.

              How Data Transfer Works

              Clean Patient Records

              • Filter patient records before migrating to a new EHR
              • Remove patient records that are no longer required or relevant helps simply overall your database
              • Remove all inactive patients (moved, deceased, no longer active) from your system

              Transfer Data

              • PAMI: (Patient Allergies, Medications, Immunizations)
              • Histories
              • Health Maintenance
              • Labs

              Quality Assurance

              • Workflows and scenarios must be implemented to ensure all the information is correct
              • Cross-referencing with Legacy system
              • Clinical staff transfers data and validates

              Challenges and Obstacles

              • Lost revenue from missed charges
              • Inaccessible discrete data
              • Unique manual abstraction for newly acquired practices
              • Health maintenance scanned documents from legacy EMR
              • Pros and Cons of access to legacy EMR versus Data Archive